Welcome to your library! Our Children's Place staff offer plenty of events, services, and more for youth and families at the library.
Youth and family events include storytime, early literacy opportunities, tutoring, learning programs, and more. You can see all of our events on our full events calendar.
Early Literacy
Early literacy is incredibly important, and the library has plenty of early literacy opportunities for families, including the 1000 Books Before Kindergarten Reading Challenge, Dolly Parton's Imagination Library in Wood County, Books for Babies, and more. You can learn about all early opportunities at wcdpl.org/early-literacy.
Summer Reading Program
Readers of all ages can come together every summer with our Summer Reading Program! This program is open to all young people, preschool through young adult, with programs, prize drawings, storytimes, and more. Summer Reading Program runs from May through August. Learn more about Summer Reading Program at wcdpl.org/srp.
Connect Magazine
Our Connect Magazine has everything you'll need to plan your week: upcoming events for youth and families, more information on early literacy, places to visit us around Wood County, and more. Read Connect at wcdpl.org/connect-magazine-online.
Reading Suggestions
From hand-picked booklists to resources on children's literature, you'll find something every kid will love with our reading suggestions. Browse our children's reading suggestions at wcdpl.org/reading-suggestions-kids.
Youth Book Clubs
We have a variety of book clubs for youth. To learn more, visit wcdpl.org/youth-book-clubs.
Youth and Teen Library Cards
Want to get your child or teen a library card? We have limited use cards available. Learn more at wcdpl.org/library-cards.
Homework Resources
K-5 students can get homework help at either library location. Learn more about tutoring and homework resources at wcdpl.org/homework.
Looking for resources for parents, teachers, caregivers, or students? Browse them at wcdpl.org/family-resources.
Every item donated goes toward making reading and literacy fun and interactive for our smallest patrons! Currently, our Children's Place is accepting donations of:
- Tissues
- Sticky Tack
- Construction Paper (any color)
- Pipe Cleaners
- Pony Beads
- Origami Paper
- Old Maps
- Palm-Sized Smooth Rocks
- Coffee Filters
- Plastic Paint Palettes
- Plastic Tapestry Needles
- Tempera Paint
- Baby Oil
- Mod Podge